V Xando vom Felsenwehr
SchH 3, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal (DNA)


V Xando vom Felsenwehr
SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz (DNA)
V Dingo vom Felsenwehr
SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz
VA Natz von Arminius
SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz
V Sandra vom Felsenwehr
SchH 2, KKL-1a, Lbz
V Ilka vom Felsenwehr
SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz
V Eros vom Baiselsberg
SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz
V Yana vom Felsenwehr
SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz

Xando's Breed Survey:
Large, Strong, Dry and Firm. Very good expression. Straight Front View,
Very Good Chest-Proportions, High Withers, Very Good Layon & Length of Croup,
Very Good Top & Underline. Very Good Angulation. Correct Straight Gaits. Far Reaching Gait.
Free Front Reach. Powerful Rear Drive. Confident Temperament, Hardness, Courage and
Fighting drive Pronounced, Lets Out.
Specially recommended for improvement of:


 Xando sired our beautiful "B" litter
Brio, Brando, Blitz, Bravo, Brosko, Brenda, Britta, Brenna, Briska