OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) Reivision Schutzhund USA Verein für Deutsche Schüferhunde (SV) American Kennel Club German Shepherd Dog Club of America WDA (Working Dog Association) Northwestern Region United Schutzhund Clubs of America San Francisco Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue Polyfleece Granddad's Pet Foods (Raw Diet) Top Dog Designs (Dog Stuff for Dog People) Nextime Products (Unique fashion accessories for dog enthusiast) OncoLink (Veterinary Oncology) Dr. P's Dog Training Clicker Training Teachers Karen Pryor Gary Wilkes (Click and Treat Training) American Heartworm Society SitStay (Cool Dog Supplies) Doctors Foster & Smith Pet Education The Right Steps (Dog Training) Olympic Views (Home Made Soap!) PuppyWorks Educational Dog Events Association of Pet Dog Trainers Dogwise (Dog and Cat books) Natura Pet Products (Healthy Pet Food) Ryan's Pets (Dog Supplies)